QEvent Class Reference
- void QEvent(Type type)
- void QEvent(QEvent other)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QEvent prototype object
- int registerEventType(int hint)
- None = 0
- Timer = 1
- MouseButtonPress = 2
- MouseButtonRelease = 3
- MouseButtonDblClick = 4
- MouseMove = 5
- KeyPress = 6
- KeyRelease = 7
- FocusIn = 8
- FocusOut = 9
- Enter = 10
- Leave = 11
- Paint = 12
- Move = 13
- Resize = 14
- Create = 15
- Destroy = 16
- Show = 17
- Hide = 18
- Close = 19
- Quit = 20
- ParentChange = 21
- ThreadChange = 22
- FocusAboutToChange = 23
- WindowActivate = 24
- WindowDeactivate = 25
- ShowToParent = 26
- HideToParent = 27
- Wheel = 31
- WindowTitleChange = 33
- WindowIconChange = 34
- ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35
- ApplicationFontChange = 36
- ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37
- ApplicationPaletteChange = 38
- PaletteChange = 39
- Clipboard = 40
- Speech = 42
- MetaCall = 43
- SockAct = 50
- ShortcutOverride = 51
- DeferredDelete = 52
- DragEnter = 60
- DragMove = 61
- DragLeave = 62
- Drop = 63
- DragResponse = 64
- ChildAdded = 68
- ChildPolished = 69
- ChildRemoved = 71
- ShowWindowRequest = 73
- PolishRequest = 74
- Polish = 75
- LayoutRequest = 76
- UpdateRequest = 77
- UpdateLater = 78
- EmbeddingControl = 79
- ActivateControl = 80
- DeactivateControl = 81
- ContextMenu = 82
- InputMethod = 83
- TabletMove = 87
- LocaleChange = 88
- LanguageChange = 89
- LayoutDirectionChange = 90
- Style = 91
- TabletPress = 92
- TabletRelease = 93
- OkRequest = 94
- HelpRequest = 95
- IconDrag = 96
- FontChange = 97
- EnabledChange = 98
- ActivationChange = 99
- StyleChange = 100
- IconTextChange = 101
- ModifiedChange = 102
- WindowBlocked = 103
- WindowUnblocked = 104
- WindowStateChange = 105
- ReadOnlyChange = 106
- MouseTrackingChange = 109
- ToolTip = 110
- WhatsThis = 111
- StatusTip = 112
- ActionChanged = 113
- ActionAdded = 114
- ActionRemoved = 115
- FileOpen = 116
- Shortcut = 117
- WhatsThisClicked = 118
- ToolBarChange = 120
- ApplicationActivate = 121
- ApplicationDeactivate = 122
- QueryWhatsThis = 123
- EnterWhatsThisMode = 124
- LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125
- ZOrderChange = 126
- HoverEnter = 127
- HoverLeave = 128
- HoverMove = 129
- ParentAboutToChange = 131
- WinEventAct = 132
- AcceptDropsChange = 152
- ZeroTimerEvent = 154
- GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155
- GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156
- GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157
- GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158
- GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159
- GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160
- GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161
- GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162
- GraphicsSceneHelp = 163
- GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164
- GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165
- GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166
- GraphicsSceneDrop = 167
- GraphicsSceneWheel = 168
- KeyboardLayoutChange = 169
- DynamicPropertyChange = 170
- TabletEnterProximity = 171
- TabletLeaveProximity = 172
- NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173
- NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174
- NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175
- NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176
- MacSizeChange = 177
- ContentsRectChange = 178
- MacGLWindowChange = 179
- FutureCallOut = 180
- GraphicsSceneResize = 181
- GraphicsSceneMove = 182
- CursorChange = 183
- ToolTipChange = 184
- NetworkReplyUpdated = 185
- GrabMouse = 186
- UngrabMouse = 187
- GrabKeyboard = 188
- UngrabKeyboard = 189
- MacGLClearDrawable = 191
- StateMachineSignal = 192
- StateMachineWrapped = 193
- TouchBegin = 194
- TouchUpdate = 195
- TouchEnd = 196
- NativeGesture = 197
- Gesture = 198
- RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199
- CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200
- GestureOverride = 202
- WinIdChange = 203
- ScrollPrepare = 204
- Scroll = 205
- Expose = 206
- InputMethodQuery = 207
- OrientationChange = 208
- TouchCancel = 209
- ThemeChange = 210
- SockClose = 211
- PlatformPanel = 212
- StyleAnimationUpdate = 213
- ApplicationStateChange = 214
- WindowChangeInternal = 215
- ScreenChangeInternal = 216
- User = 1000
- MaxUser = 65535
- Type( value )
Prototype Object Properties
- void accept()
- void ignore()
- bool isAccepted()
- QEvent operator_assign(QEvent other)
- void setAccepted(bool accepted)
- bool spontaneous()
- Type type()
Instance Properties
QEvent objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QEvent prototype object.