QImageReader Class Reference
- void QImageReader()
- void QImageReader(QIODevice device, QByteArray format)
- void QImageReader(String fileName, QByteArray format)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QImageReader prototype object
- QByteArray imageFormat(QIODevice device)
- List supportedImageFormats()
- List supportedMimeTypes()
- String tr(char sourceText, char disambiguation, int n)
- String trUtf8(char sourceText, char disambiguation, int n)
- UnknownError
- FileNotFoundError
- DeviceError
- UnsupportedFormatError
- InvalidDataError
- ImageReaderError( value )
Prototype Object Properties
- bool autoDetectImageFormat()
- QColor backgroundColor()
- bool canRead()
- QRect clipRect()
- int currentImageNumber()
- QRect currentImageRect()
- bool decideFormatFromContent()
- QIODevice device()
- ImageReaderError error()
- String errorString()
- String fileName()
- QByteArray format()
- int imageCount()
- Format imageFormat()
- bool jumpToImage(int imageNumber)
- bool jumpToNextImage()
- int loopCount()
- int nextImageDelay()
- int quality()
- QImage read()
- QRect scaledClipRect()
- QSize scaledSize()
- void setAutoDetectImageFormat(bool enabled)
- void setBackgroundColor(QColor color)
- void setClipRect(QRect rect)
- void setDecideFormatFromContent(bool ignored)
- void setDevice(QIODevice device)
- void setFileName(String fileName)
- void setFormat(QByteArray format)
- void setQuality(int quality)
- void setScaledClipRect(QRect rect)
- void setScaledSize(QSize size)
- QSize size()
- QByteArray subType()
- List supportedSubTypes()
- bool supportsAnimation()
- bool supportsOption(ImageOption option)
- String text(String key)
- List textKeys()
Instance Properties
QImageReader objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QImageReader prototype object.