QObject Class Reference
- void QObject(QObject parent)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QObject prototype object
Prototype Object Properties
- bool blockSignals(bool b)
- List children()
- void dumpObjectInfo()
- void dumpObjectTree()
- List dynamicPropertyNames()
- bool event(QEvent arg__1)
- bool eventFilter(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2)
- bool inherits(char classname)
- void installEventFilter(QObject arg__1)
- bool isWidgetType()
- bool isWindowType()
- void killTimer(int id)
- QObject parent()
- Object property(char name)
- void removeEventFilter(QObject arg__1)
- void setParent(QObject arg__1)
- bool setProperty(char name, Object value)
- bool signalsBlocked()
- int startTimer(int interval, TimerType timerType)
Instance Properties
QObject objects inherit properties from the QObject prototype object and also have the following properties.