QPainterPathStroker Class Reference
- void QPainterPathStroker()
- void QPainterPathStroker(QPen pen)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QPainterPathStroker prototype object
Prototype Object Properties
- PenCapStyle capStyle()
- QPainterPath createStroke(QPainterPath path)
- qreal curveThreshold()
- qreal dashOffset()
- List dashPattern()
- PenJoinStyle joinStyle()
- qreal miterLimit()
- void setCapStyle(PenCapStyle style)
- void setCurveThreshold(qreal threshold)
- void setDashOffset(qreal offset)
- void setDashPattern(PenStyle arg__1)
- void setJoinStyle(PenJoinStyle style)
- void setMiterLimit(qreal length)
- void setWidth(qreal width)
- qreal width()
Instance Properties
QPainterPathStroker objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QPainterPathStroker prototype object.