QPrinter Class Reference
- void QPrinter(PrinterMode mode)
- void QPrinter(QPrinterInfo printer, PrinterMode mode)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QPrinter prototype object
- ScreenResolution
- PrinterResolution
- HighResolution
- PrinterMode( value )
- Millimeter
- Point
- Inch
- Pica
- Didot
- Cicero
- DevicePixel
- Unit( value )
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Orientation( value )
- DuplexNone = 0
- DuplexAuto
- DuplexLongSide
- DuplexShortSide
- DuplexMode( value )
- GrayScale
- Color
- ColorMode( value )
- OnlyOne
- Lower
- Middle
- Manual
- Envelope
- EnvelopeManual
- Auto
- Tractor
- SmallFormat
- LargeFormat
- LargeCapacity
- Cassette
- FormSource
- MaxPageSource
- CustomSource
- PaperSource( value )
- FirstPageFirst
- LastPageFirst
- PageOrder( value )
- NativeFormat
- PdfFormat
- OutputFormat( value )
- AllPages
- Selection
- PageRange
- CurrentPage
- PrintRange( value )
- Idle
- Active
- Aborted
- Error
- PrinterState( value )
Prototype Object Properties
- bool abort()
- int actualNumCopies()
- bool collateCopies()
- ColorMode colorMode()
- int copyCount()
- String creator()
- int devType()
- String docName()
- bool doubleSidedPrinting()
- DuplexMode duplex()
- bool fontEmbeddingEnabled()
- int fromPage()
- bool fullPage()
- void getPageMargins(qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom, Unit unit)
- bool isValid()
- bool newPage()
- int numCopies()
- Orientation orientation()
- String outputFileName()
- OutputFormat outputFormat()
- PageOrder pageOrder()
- QRect pageRect()
- QPaintEngine paintEngine()
- String paperName()
- QRect paperRect()
- QSizeF paperSize(Unit unit)
- PaperSource paperSource()
- QPrintEngine printEngine()
- String printProgram()
- PrintRange printRange()
- String printerName()
- PrinterState printerState()
- int resolution()
- void setCollateCopies(bool collate)
- void setColorMode(ColorMode arg__1)
- void setCopyCount(int arg__1)
- void setCreator(String arg__1)
- void setDocName(String arg__1)
- void setDoubleSidedPrinting(bool enable)
- void setDuplex(DuplexMode duplex)
- void setFontEmbeddingEnabled(bool enable)
- void setFromTo(int fromPage, int toPage)
- void setFullPage(bool arg__1)
- void setNumCopies(int arg__1)
- void setOrientation(Orientation arg__1)
- void setOutputFileName(String arg__1)
- void setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
- void setPageMargins(qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom, Unit unit)
- void setPageOrder(PageOrder arg__1)
- void setPageSizeMM(QSizeF size)
- void setPaperName(String paperName)
- void setPaperSize(QSizeF paperSize, Unit unit)
- void setPaperSource(PaperSource arg__1)
- void setPrintProgram(String arg__1)
- void setPrintRange(PrintRange range)
- void setPrinterName(String arg__1)
- void setResolution(int arg__1)
- void setWinPageSize(int winPageSize)
- List supportedResolutions()
- bool supportsMultipleCopies()
- int toPage()
- int winPageSize()
Instance Properties
QPrinter objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QPrinter prototype object.