QSqlTableModel Class Reference
Inherits QSqlQueryModel.
- void QSqlTableModel(QObject parent, QSqlDatabase db)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QSqlTableModel prototype object
- OnFieldChange
- OnRowChange
- OnManualSubmit
- EditStrategy( value )
Prototype Object Properties
The QSqlTableModel prototype object inherits properties from the QSqlQueryModel prototype object and also has the following properties.
- QSqlDatabase database()
- EditStrategy editStrategy()
- int fieldIndex(String fieldName)
- String filter()
- bool insertRecord(int row, QSqlRecord record)
- bool isDirty()
- QSqlIndex primaryKey()
- void revertRow(int row)
- void setEditStrategy(EditStrategy strategy)
- void setFilter(String filter)
- bool setRecord(int row, QSqlRecord record)
- void setSort(int column, SortOrder order)
- void setTable(String tableName)
- String tableName()
Instance Properties
QSqlTableModel objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QSqlTableModel prototype object.