QTextFormat Class Reference
- void QTextFormat()
- void QTextFormat(QTextFormat rhs)
- void QTextFormat(int type)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QTextFormat prototype object
- PageBreak_Auto = 0
- PageBreak_AlwaysBefore = 0x001
- PageBreak_AlwaysAfter = 0x010
- PageBreakFlag( value )
- PageBreakFlags( value1, value2, ... )
- ObjectIndex = 0x0
- CssFloat = 0x0800
- LayoutDirection = 0x0801
- OutlinePen = 0x810
- BackgroundBrush = 0x820
- ForegroundBrush = 0x821
- BackgroundImageUrl = 0x823
- BlockAlignment = 0x1010
- BlockTopMargin = 0x1030
- BlockBottomMargin = 0x1031
- BlockLeftMargin = 0x1032
- BlockRightMargin = 0x1033
- TextIndent = 0x1034
- TabPositions = 0x1035
- BlockIndent = 0x1040
- LineHeight = 0x1048
- LineHeightType = 0x1049
- BlockNonBreakableLines = 0x1050
- BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth = 0x1060
- FirstFontProperty = 0x1FE0
- FontLetterSpacing = 0x1FE1
- FontWordSpacing = 0x1FE2
- FontStyleHint = 0x1FE3
- FontStyleStrategy = 0x1FE4
- FontKerning = 0x1FE5
- FontHintingPreference = 0x1FE6
- FontFamily = 0x2000
- FontPointSize = 0x2001
- FontSizeAdjustment = 0x2002
- FontWeight = 0x2003
- FontItalic = 0x2004
- FontUnderline = 0x2005
- FontOverline = 0x2006
- FontStrikeOut = 0x2007
- FontFixedPitch = 0x2008
- FontPixelSize = 0x2009
- TextUnderlineColor = 0x2010
- TextVerticalAlignment = 0x2021
- TextOutline = 0x2022
- TextUnderlineStyle = 0x2023
- TextToolTip = 0x2024
- IsAnchor = 0x2030
- AnchorHref = 0x2031
- AnchorName = 0x2032
- FontLetterSpacingType = 0x2033
- FontStretch = 0x2034
- ObjectType = 0x2f00
- ListStyle = 0x3000
- ListIndent = 0x3001
- ListNumberPrefix = 0x3002
- ListNumberSuffix = 0x3003
- FrameBorder = 0x4000
- FrameMargin = 0x4001
- FramePadding = 0x4002
- FrameWidth = 0x4003
- FrameHeight = 0x4004
- FrameTopMargin = 0x4005
- FrameBottomMargin = 0x4006
- FrameLeftMargin = 0x4007
- FrameRightMargin = 0x4008
- FrameBorderBrush = 0x4009
- FrameBorderStyle = 0x4010
- TableColumns = 0x4100
- TableColumnWidthConstraints = 0x4101
- TableCellSpacing = 0x4102
- TableCellPadding = 0x4103
- TableHeaderRowCount = 0x4104
- TableCellRowSpan = 0x4810
- TableCellColumnSpan = 0x4811
- TableCellTopPadding = 0x4812
- TableCellBottomPadding = 0x4813
- TableCellLeftPadding = 0x4814
- TableCellRightPadding = 0x4815
- ImageName = 0x5000
- ImageWidth = 0x5010
- ImageHeight = 0x5011
- FullWidthSelection = 0x06000
- PageBreakPolicy = 0x7000
- UserProperty = 0x100000
- Property( value )
- InvalidFormat = -1
- BlockFormat = 1
- CharFormat = 2
- ListFormat = 3
- TableFormat = 4
- FrameFormat = 5
- UserFormat = 100
- FormatType( value )
- NoObject
- ImageObject
- TableObject
- TableCellObject
- UserObject = 0x1000
- ObjectTypes( value )
Prototype Object Properties
- QBrush background()
- bool boolProperty(int propertyId)
- QBrush brushProperty(int propertyId)
- void clearBackground()
- void clearForeground()
- void clearProperty(int propertyId)
- QColor colorProperty(int propertyId)
- qreal doubleProperty(int propertyId)
- QBrush foreground()
- bool hasProperty(int propertyId)
- int intProperty(int propertyId)
- bool isBlockFormat()
- bool isCharFormat()
- bool isEmpty()
- bool isFrameFormat()
- bool isImageFormat()
- bool isListFormat()
- bool isTableCellFormat()
- bool isTableFormat()
- bool isValid()
- LayoutDirection layoutDirection()
- QTextLength lengthProperty(int propertyId)
- List lengthVectorProperty(int propertyId)
- void merge(QTextFormat other)
- int objectIndex()
- int objectType()
- bool operator_equal(QTextFormat rhs)
- QPen penProperty(int propertyId)
- SortedMap properties()
- Object property(int propertyId)
- int propertyCount()
- void setBackground(QBrush brush)
- void setForeground(QBrush brush)
- void setLayoutDirection(LayoutDirection direction)
- void setLengthVectorProperty(int propertyId, List lengths)
- void setObjectIndex(int object)
- void setObjectType(int type)
- void setProperty(int propertyId, Object value)
- String stringProperty(int propertyId)
- void swap(QTextFormat other)
- QTextBlockFormat toBlockFormat()
- QTextCharFormat toCharFormat()
- QTextFrameFormat toFrameFormat()
- QTextImageFormat toImageFormat()
- QTextListFormat toListFormat()
- QTextTableCellFormat toTableCellFormat()
- QTextTableFormat toTableFormat()
- int type()
Instance Properties
QTextFormat objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QTextFormat prototype object.