QCoreApplication Class Reference
Inherits QObject.
- void QCoreApplication(int argc, char argv, int arg__3)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QCoreApplication prototype object
- void addLibraryPath(String arg__1)
- String applicationDirPath()
- String applicationFilePath()
- qint64 applicationPid()
- bool closingDown()
- int exec()
- void exit(int retcode)
- void flush()
- bool hasPendingEvents()
- bool installTranslator(QTranslator messageFile)
- QCoreApplication instance()
- bool isSetuidAllowed()
- List libraryPaths()
- void postEvent(QObject receiver, QEvent event, int priority)
- void processEvents(ProcessEventsFlags flags)
- void removeLibraryPath(String arg__1)
- void removePostedEvents(QObject receiver, int eventType)
- bool removeTranslator(QTranslator messageFile)
- bool sendEvent(QObject receiver, QEvent event)
- void sendPostedEvents(QObject receiver, int event_type)
- void setAttribute(ApplicationAttribute attribute, bool on)
- void setLibraryPaths(List arg__1)
- void setSetuidAllowed(bool allow)
- bool startingUp()
- bool testAttribute(ApplicationAttribute attribute)
- String translate(char context, char key, char disambiguation, int n)
Prototype Object Properties
The QCoreApplication prototype object inherits properties from the QObject prototype object and also has the following properties.
- bool notify(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2)
Instance Properties
QCoreApplication objects inherit properties from the QCoreApplication prototype object and also have the following properties.
- applicationName
- applicationVersion
- organizationName
- organizationDomain
- quitLockEnabled