QDrag Class Reference
Inherits QObject.
- void QDrag(QObject dragSource)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QDrag prototype object
Prototype Object Properties
The QDrag prototype object inherits properties from the QObject prototype object and also has the following properties.
- DropAction defaultAction()
- QPixmap dragCursor(DropAction action)
- DropAction exec(DropActions supportedActions)
- QPoint hotSpot()
- QMimeData mimeData()
- QPixmap pixmap()
- void setDragCursor(QPixmap cursor, DropAction action)
- void setHotSpot(QPoint hotspot)
- void setMimeData(QMimeData data)
- void setPixmap(QPixmap arg__1)
- QObject source()
- DropActions supportedActions()
- QObject target()
Instance Properties
QDrag objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QDrag prototype object.