QGuiApplication Class Reference
Inherits QCoreApplication.
- void QGuiApplication(int argc, char argv, int arg__3)
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QGuiApplication prototype object
- void changeOverrideCursor(QCursor arg__1)
- QClipboard clipboard()
- bool desktopSettingsAware()
- QObject focusObject()
- QFont font()
- bool isLeftToRight()
- bool isRightToLeft()
- KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers()
- MouseButtons mouseButtons()
- QCursor overrideCursor()
- QPalette palette()
- KeyboardModifiers queryKeyboardModifiers()
- void restoreOverrideCursor()
- void setDesktopSettingsAware(bool on)
- void setFont(QFont arg__1)
- void setOverrideCursor(QCursor arg__1)
- void setPalette(QPalette pal)
- void sync()
Prototype Object Properties
The QGuiApplication prototype object inherits properties from the QCoreApplication prototype object and also has the following properties.
- qreal devicePixelRatio()
- bool isSavingSession()
- bool isSessionRestored()
- String sessionId()
- String sessionKey()
Instance Properties
QGuiApplication objects inherit properties from the QGuiApplication prototype object and also have the following properties.
- windowIcon
- applicationDisplayName
- layoutDirection
- platformName
- quitOnLastWindowClosed