QTextBlockFormat Class Reference
Inherits QTextFormat.
Constructor Properties
- prototype: The QTextBlockFormat prototype object
- SingleHeight = 0
- ProportionalHeight = 1
- FixedHeight = 2
- MinimumHeight = 3
- LineDistanceHeight = 4
- LineHeightTypes( value )
Prototype Object Properties
The QTextBlockFormat prototype object inherits properties from the QTextFormat prototype object and also has the following properties.
- Alignment alignment()
- qreal bottomMargin()
- int indent()
- qreal leftMargin()
- qreal lineHeight()
- int lineHeightType()
- bool nonBreakableLines()
- PageBreakFlags pageBreakPolicy()
- qreal rightMargin()
- void setAlignment(Alignment alignment)
- void setBottomMargin(qreal margin)
- void setIndent(int indent)
- void setLeftMargin(qreal margin)
- void setLineHeight(qreal height, int heightType)
- void setNonBreakableLines(bool b)
- void setPageBreakPolicy(PageBreakFlags flags)
- void setRightMargin(qreal margin)
- void setTabPositions(List tabs)
- void setTextIndent(qreal aindent)
- void setTopMargin(qreal margin)
- List tabPositions()
- qreal textIndent()
- qreal topMargin()
Instance Properties
QTextBlockFormat objects have no special properties beyond those inherited from the QTextBlockFormat prototype object.